
What was initially conceived as a companion column at Nomos Journal to my dissertation has since evolved into a more general blog in the aftermath of that project (Remixing Religion; the first two posts reappear here as well). While still mostly focused on remix theory and its application to the study of religion, posts also cover broader topics pertaining to other research and personal interests. I try to post at least once per month, but finalizing my new book has temporarily taken time away from that schedule. New posts are announced via Mastodon.

Kissing the Earth with Our Feet

Thich Nhat Hanh’s life and teachings remind us of the importance of being present in our lives and that everything is always constantly changing rather than being created or destroyed.

A Slippery Antevasin, Betwixt and Between

Dwelling between the old and the new can provide a contemplative space where we might slow down and become more attuned to our senses and surroundings as we prepare for what’s next.

Memorializing Yesterday…and Today

The connection between processes linked to memory and memorial are uniquely demonstrated in the film Yesterday, and the elements of remembrance and storytelling it illustrates might help in considering practices related to loss.

A Burning Desire for Pre-Pandemic Life

Buddhist teachings on attachment and desire can help us understand the widespread reluctance to accept and embrace societal changes during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

Embracing the Zen in Disney’s Zenimation

Disney’s new Zenimation series is more than just a themed collection of soothing vignettes. The mashup project is an extension of trends and processes characterizing both Buddhist Modernism and twenty-first-century Western mindfulness sensibilities.

It’s True…All of It (From a Certain Point of View)

Han Solo’s remarks in The Force Awakens (2015) about the true existence of the Force and Jedi signal an interplay between canonical and non-canonical material that taps into an even broader concern over authority and canonicity among traditions outside of the Star Wars universe – in particular, the world’s religions.

That Old-Time, Cut-Up Religion

Remix theory uniquely allows for the consideration of broader cultural practices and productions outside of image and sound as “remixes,” opening them up to examinations that shift how they are viewed and understood amid new terminology and conceptual framing – including religion.